- Import of ECE
- The product is made of quality materials
- The content of the set has been prepared with 100% samples taken from humans
- It is presented in a plastic transportation and storage box (Plastic box type is depending on stock availability)
Ürün İçeriği:
I. Injury and Repair of Cell And Tissue 1 Myocardial hypertrophy
2 Hyperplasia of prostate
3 Liver cell fatty degeneration
4 Granulation tissue
5 Cloudy swelling of kidney
6 Signet ring cell cancer
7 Tophus
8 Tuberculous granuloma
II. Disturbances of Blood Circulation
9 Chronic pulmonary congestion of the lung
10 Chronic venous congestion of liver
11 Hemorrhagic infarct of lung
III. Diseases of Immunity
12 Lymph node tuberculosis
13 Metastatic carcinoma of lymph node
14 Splenic infarction
15 Myocardial infarction
16 Tonsillitis
17 Hyaling degeneration of splenic capsule
IV. Inflamation
18 Liver abscess
19 Nephrapostasis
20 Lung abscess
21 Lobular pneumonia
22 Chronic cholecystitis
23 Inflammatory polyp
24 Foreign body granuloma
25 Subacute severe hepatitis
V. Tumor
26 Cutaneous papillomatosis
27 Fibroma
28 Lipoma
29 Fibrosarcoma
30 Fibroadenoma of breast
31 Basal cell carcinoma
32 Thymoma
33 Cavernous hemangioma
34 Capillary hemangioma
35 Theca cell tumor
36 Spermatocytoma
37 Hemangioma in liver
38 Adenoid cystadenoma submandibular gland
39 Mesothelioma
VI. Diseases of Respiratory System
40 Chronic bronchitis
41 Silicosis
42 Adenocardinoma of lung
43 Nasal polyp
44 Military tuberculosis
45 Puimonary emphysema
46 interstiial pneumonia
47 Gallibladder cancer
48 Carcinoma of laryrx
VII. Diseases of Digestive System
49 Esophagus cancer
50 Adenocarcinoma of stomach 51 Virus hepatitis
52 Chronic active hepatitis
53 Portal cirrhosis
54 Biliary cirrhosis
55 Liver cancer
56 Cloudy swelling of liver
57 Postnecrotic cirrhosis
58 Superficial gastritis
59 Atrophic gastritis
60 Gangrenous appendicitis
61 Colonitis
62 Intestinal adenocarcinoma
63 Hemorrhagic infarction of the intestine
64 Intestinal polyp
VIII. Diseases of Haemopoietic System
65 Non-hodgkin lymphoma
66 Hodgkin lymphoma
IX. Diseases of Urinary System
67 Renaiclear cell carcinoma
68 Wilms tumor
69 Renal tuberculosis
70 Carcinoma of urinary bladder
71 Granular cell carcinoma of kidney
X. Disease of Genital System
72 Endometrial hyperplasia
73 Leiomyoma of uterus
74 Cervical squamous cancer
75 Mucinous cystadenoma of ovary
76 invasive ductal carcinoma
77 Comedocarcinoma of breast
78 Hydatidiform mole
79 Chronic endometritis
80 Condyioma acuminatum
81 Hyperplasia of mammary gland
82 Mucinous carcinoma of breast
83 Endometrial carcinoma
84 Chocolate cyst of ovary
85 Benign teratomas
86 Malignant teratoma
87 Chronic cervicitis
88 Cervical inflammatory plyp
89 Endocervical adenocarcinoma
90 Malignant mole
XI. Diseases of Endocrine System
91 Thyroid adenoma
92 Thyroid adenocarcinoma
93 Nodular goiter
94 Hashimoto thyroiditis
XII. Diseases of Nerve System
95 Meningioma
96 Neurinoma
97 Neurofibroma
98 Neuroastrocytoma
XIII. Diseases of Muscular and Skeletal System
99 Giant cell tumor of bone
100 Chondrosarcoma
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